I just couldn't skip the chance to spread the news how to deal with a crippled mouse/keyboard usability for Warhammer Online, a new MMORPG I have been immensely enjoying for a couple of days now.
Unbeknownst to anyone, Mythic disregarded what they've done for Dark Age of Camelot and didn't include such a useful feature as mouselook (called also free mouselook, mouselook toggle or mouselook lock). The only way to freely change the point of view with a mouse while doing other tasks is to keep right mouse button pressed - so annoying when you're used to always looking around like that.
Until Mythic... sorry! ...EA Mythic fixes that that is to employ Autohotkey. Is that a change for good! Give it a try and you'll be amazed at how easily you can get back all your favorite key bindings. All you have to do is to install the software, copy/paste the following code into a text document (e.g. by means of Notepad), save it as a *.AHK file and execute the file (double click it).
Here's the script that binds the mouselook toggle to Control key.
if not GetKeyState("RButton")
Send {RButton Down}
Else if GetKeyState("RButton")
Send {RButton Up}
Unbeknownst to anyone, Mythic disregarded what they've done for Dark Age of Camelot and didn't include such a useful feature as mouselook (called also free mouselook, mouselook toggle or mouselook lock). The only way to freely change the point of view with a mouse while doing other tasks is to keep right mouse button pressed - so annoying when you're used to always looking around like that.
Until Mythic... sorry! ...EA Mythic fixes that that is to employ Autohotkey. Is that a change for good! Give it a try and you'll be amazed at how easily you can get back all your favorite key bindings. All you have to do is to install the software, copy/paste the following code into a text document (e.g. by means of Notepad), save it as a *.AHK file and execute the file (double click it).
Here's the script that binds the mouselook toggle to Control key.
if not GetKeyState("RButton")
Send {RButton Down}
Else if GetKeyState("RButton")
Send {RButton Up}